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Welcome to the homepage of HOBBS WARREN.

Hobbs Warren is a small O gauge exhibition layout with big ideas. The layout is owned by Terry Cooke and operated by members of the 31A Cambridge MRC

Their contact details may be found here.

The layout depicts the lines along side a running shed somewhere in East Anglia. The setting is anytime between Nationalisation and Sectorisation(1948 to around 1985). This means effectively we run from Steam to Blue diesels with a few interlopers. Before the purists throw their hands up in horror, steam loco's do not operate along side blue diesels, we run in rotation steam through green diesels to blue and back again.

The layout Is DCC operated and all locomotives are sound fitted, some have smoke units and other functions installed. We originally operated with ZTC controllers, these excellent units were only given up because of their limitation of only 8 functions. The system in use is now ECOS with a ZTC 511 retained as it is invaluable tool for some quick CV altering. A hand held wireless controller is also available but rarely used.

Hobbs Warren takes its name from an area on the Suffolk/Cambridgeshire borders near Newmarket. It has never had a railway running anywhere near, but the name appeared to be as good as any that we could conjure up.

A new layout of an Ex Great Eastern country terminus Warren Hill is now on the circuit. Warren Hill is also part of the Newmarket area and the railway currently runs here. The terminus however is fictitious.

These pages are subject to updates but we hope through links such as that to ZTC above (which will be found here and in the quick link pages to the left) will enable you to find suppliers for maybe a loco or sound you liked. We are happy to include photographs you have taken of the layout at exhibitions. Please e.mail them to the address found in contacts.


Looking from the shed roof to the fiddle yard
A couple of early diesels on shed

Night scene on Hobbs Warren.

A selection from the Green Diesel era
Classes 15,16,20,24,37 and 129

Blue Diesels and Engineers vehicles

J15 simmers on a summers evening

Britannia Hotspur

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Last Update... Various 2024....